Sunday 31 August 2008

Dense Breast Tissue Promotes Aggressive Cancers

�New enquiry may explain why breast cancer tends to be more aggressive in women with denser breast tissue.

Breast cancer cells grown in dense, stiff surroundings footprint up their invasive activities, Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center investigators report in the Sept. 9 progeny of Current Biology.

The findings suggest a cellular mechanism for the correlation betwixt human breast tissue density and tumor aggressiveness. Women with increased breast concentration on mammograms have an increased risk for both developing breast cancer and having bosom cancers with invasive characteristics.

This connection between breast denseness and genus Cancer aggressiveness has begged the question of which comes first. Is the tissue paper denser because the tumor is more aggressive (and recruits cells that "lay down" more matrix), or is the tumor more aggressive because the tissue is denser?

"Our study shows that if you give birth a dense, rigid matrix, the cells will be more aggressive and invasive; it's a direct upshot," said Alissa Weaver, M.D., Ph.D., assistant professor of Cancer Biology and lead author of the study.

Weaver and colleagues were interested in invadopodia - the finger-like protrusions that a cancer cell uses to drill holes in the extracellular intercellular substance (matrix-degrading enzymes are associated with invadopodia). These structures are believed to be important for cancer invasion.

"If you have enough invadopodia, over time they'll make large holes that cells can move through to invade and metastasize," Weaver said.

Despite the intimate connection between invadopodia and the matrix, selfsame little was known about what theatrical role the matrix might play in regulation invadopodia subroutine. Weaver and colleagues started probing this question as part of computational math modeling project through the Vanderbilt Integrative Cancer Biology Center.

They were surprised to find that breast cancer cells cultured on a denser - and hence, more stiff - matrix had a greater number of active invadopodia than breast cancer cells civilized on a less thick matrix.

"We intellection that more 'stuff' for the cells to let through was going to make it harder, so we expected to envision less matrix degradation, only instead we found this interesting effect where cells actually sense the inflexibility and put down more," Weaver said.

The team examined how cells exchange a sense of matrix rigidity into intracellular signals, a treat called mechanotransduction.

Proteins that generate contractile forces, such as myosin "motors," are important players in mechanotransduction. Weaver and colleagues confirmed that myosin motors are involved in sparking more degradation by invadopodia in response to a rigid matrix, though the motors themselves are non present in the boring structures.

The investigators also concerned the activities of two signaling proteins called FAK and p130Cas in the rigidity-induced invadopodia activity. These signaling proteins were present in an activated state of matter in the invadopodia, suggesting that they are of import players in this reply and english hawthorn represent targets for anti-invasive therapies.

Weaver aforementioned that it's exciting to find a cellular mechanics that could explain why denser bosom tissue is correlated with more strong-growing tumors and a poorer prognosis for patients.

"The estimate that tissue paper rigidity leads to a more aggressive phenotype had been out there for a while," she aforesaid, "but it hadn't actually been tied to matrix degradation, which is thought to be important for metastasis and spread of cells through the body."

Because metastasis is often what makes cancers deadly, new leads on how to block it are vital, she added.

Nelson Alexander, Ph.D., Kevin Branch, Aron Parekh, Ph.D., Emily Clark, Ph.D., and Izuchukwu Iwueke, in the Department of Cancer Biology at Vanderbilt, and Scott Guelcher, Ph.D., in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Vanderbilt, contributed to the studies. The National Institutes of Health and the Vanderbilt University School of Engineering supported the research.

Source: Dagny Stuart McMillin

Vanderbilt University Medical Center

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Monday 11 August 2008

Acid Mothers Temple

Acid Mothers Temple   
Artist: Acid Mothers Temple

Rock: Electronic


Mantra Of Love   
 Mantra Of Love

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 2

Univers Zen ou de Zero a Zero   
 Univers Zen ou de Zero a Zero

   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 6

St Captain frak out....   
 St Captain frak out....

   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 12


   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 3

Electric Heavyland   
 Electric Heavyland

   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 3

41st Century splendid man   
 41st Century splendid man

   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 3

New Geocentric world of ...   
 New Geocentric world of ...

   Year: 2001   
Tracks: 7

Absolutely freak out   
 Absolutely freak out

   Year: 2001   
Tracks: 4

Monster of the universe   
 Monster of the universe

   Year: 2000   
Tracks: 4

La novia   
 La novia

   Year: 2000   
Tracks: 3

Born to Be Wild in the USA 2000   
 Born to Be Wild in the USA 2000

   Year: 2000   
Tracks: 5

Wild gails a go-go   
 Wild gails a go-go

   Year: 1999   
Tracks: 7

Pataphisical freak out   
 Pataphisical freak out

   Year: 1999   
Tracks: 4

Acid Mothers Temple and The Melting Paraiso UFO   
 Acid Mothers Temple and The Melting Paraiso UFO

Tracks: 1

After playing with such bands as Toho Sara, Ohkami No Jikan, Musica Transonic, and Mainliner, Japanese guitarist Makoto Kawabata distinct to proceed his musical explorations by bringing together likeminded individuals to create trippy psychedelic freak-outs inspired by Karlheinz Stockhausen, Krautrock, and '70s progressive hard rock. Acid Mothers Temple & the Melting Paraiso U.F.O. (Underground Freak Out) was founded in 1996 as a "soul corporate." It's not a commune in the full sense since the members don't all live together, just it is based on communal values and has fifty-fifty been misguided by some people for a religious cult.

Kawabata started the collective because he wanted to reach unknown musicians a chance to record and vent albums that would reach a wider audience; his original purpose was not to make an ongoing touring and recording stria. Indeed, the group's self-titled debut album, which was released on Japan's PSF Records in November 1997, was basically a Kawabata solo project; he performed throng roger Huntington Sessions with several other musicians, and then edited and overdubbed the tapes to create something kindred to musique concrète. Kawabata must get been proud of with the results, because he assembled a chemical group of musicians to spell overseas as Acid Mothers Temple in 1998.

Atsushi Tsuyama played guitar during a November 1998 Japanese circuit and became the group's regular bassist in 1999; finally the band's unfluctuating touring lineup became Kawabata, Tsuyama, guitar player and synthesiser participant Higashi Hiroshi, drummer Ichiraku Yoshimitsu, and vocaliser and synthesiser participant Cotton Casino. Buoyed by a well-deserved reputation as a superb live band, the chemical group continued to tour and record. They released Wild Gals a Go-Go, the soundtrack to an uncompleted Russian subway photographic film, in 1999, and Live in Occident, a double album of performances from their 1999 overseas tour, in 2000. Acid Mothers Temple continued to exposit their range of influences; for instance, they john Drew on Tsuyama's experience performing ancient folk euphony for La Nòvia, an album of Occitan traditional songs that they released in 2000. Then, in 2001, they released their fourth "official" album, New Geocentric World of Acid Mothers Temple, as easily as a couple limited edition releases. Meanwhile, the collective has spun out legion offshoots, including Floating Flower, Nishinihon, and Tsurbami.

Many of these spinoffs appeared on the three-CD Do Whatever You Want, Don't Do Whatever You Don't Want. Released in 2002 on the Earworm label, the define featured Acid Mothers Temple medicine on the first disc and all the different position projects on the unexpended deuce discs. The year 2002 over up being an especially fussy time for the band, with legion releases including the concept record album St. Captain Freak Out and the Magic Bamboo Request and their version of classical composer Terry Riley's groundbreaking ceremony In C. Wizardly Power from Mars landed in 2003 and self-collected some no longer uncommitted limited edition 3" CDs. Mantra of Love from 2004 byword Cotton Casino way out the band. The striation kept the challenging release schedule leaving with both Only Another Band from the Cosmic Inferno and IAO Chant from the Cosmic Inferno in 2005. After adding drummer Shimuro Koji, the grouping released Starless and Bible Black Sabbath, Feature You Seen the Other Side of the Sky, Myth of the Love Electrique (the latter featuring the voice of new female isaac Merrit Singer Kitagawa Hao), and Soul of a Mountain Wolf.

Wednesday 6 August 2008

Estelle - Estelle Unimpressed By Groupies

British rapper/singer ESTELLE never gives out her number to groupies - because they use idiotic chat-up lines.

The American Boy singer has enjoyed a surge in male attention since releasing her polish off second LP Shine - which she recorded in the U.S. with the help of R+B heavyweight John Legend and Kanye West.

And the star admits that when she is back in her native U.K. she is often bombarded by guys trying to get a date.

She says, "They'll occur out and say, 'Yeah babe I really respect you.' Then they're also like, 'The beautiful Estelle', and I'm like, 'Euh, what do you want?' And they'll go, 'I have seen you a lot...' And I'm like, 'Because I'm a rapper and a isaac M. Singer and I'm on TV?'"

She adds, "It's suspect. I'm care, 'Yeah cool, nice to meet you. You don't need my number. You really don't. I don't have a U.K. headphone. I don't live here anyway.'"

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